Saturday, October 9, 2010


That time has come - trigger time! Had a scan this morning and now have 6 great looking follies between 16mm and 20mm and a few more around 14mm. Just waiting to hear from the nurse what time to trigger tonight and what time egg collection will be on Monday! I'm feeling so incredibly nervous but excited too. I sincerely hope this will be the last time I have to do this and my recovery will be alot easier this time around. I'm sure it will be but I have the whole week off work anyway so I can just take it easy.

I miss my mum today though. I miss her every day but particularly at this time. I dearly wish she was here to be with me next week. It's such an anxious time and being home alone (the HG has to work) can be quite isolating but I also don't want to overdo it and return to work too early. I wish I was one of those people who had so many visitors that I had to tell people not to visit! If only! It sucks that so many of my closest friends are actually Australian (hmm . . . am I going to regret admitting this?!). It's funny how friendships evolve over the years. Everyone goes off in different directions and you lose touch with some, some friendships just slip away as you realise you just don't have that much in common anymore and sadly, some friendships just end because people get tied up in their own lives and it isn't a two way road. These days so many of my most meaningful and close friendships are with women who I have met through infertility. I do know I am incredibly blessed to have such wonderful women in my life but I just wish we weren't so spread out all over the world! I'll be alright though - I have a load of recorded programmes and movies to catch up on that'll keep me occupied!


  1. Hey hun, im keeping up with everything through your blog and really hope next week goes well. Thinking of you!! xx

  2. Oh Haidee the amount of times over the last few months I have desperately wished you lived in Australia! We will continue to support you via the web, email and phone and I am sending ALL of my baby dust (that's right all of it) to you. I just sent it via express international airways just in time for Monday morning. xxxxxx

  3. Aaaaah!!! I am so excited for you!!! Best of luck and don't feel alone...we are all here for you!!

  4. Hiya I just stumbled on your blog and wanted to say good luck - you have done so well through such an incredibly hard journey! It all will be worth it in the end (-:

  5. Good luck Haidee, sounds like things are much better this time around. Fingers crossed for you hun xxx
