Thursday, October 21, 2010


Aaaaggghhhh! Okay, I admit it, I am starting to struggle. You know that horrible achy type heaviness you begin to feel just before your period arrives? Well, I have it. And it sucks! When I felt nothing going on it was easier to remain in that positive headspace than when you start feeling something that reminds you that this might not work. If anyone else felt this way and still got a BFP, now is the time I want to hear from you! I'm really trying not to let it shake me though, trying to keep a positive outlook, trying to hold onto that hope. But I also feel a need to accept that this might not have worked so I don't crash and burn when that call comes in on Monday. Going just a little bit insane right now!

I also want to say thank you so much for all your wonderful comments and support! My Competitiveness in the Infertile World post really seemed to strike home for some of you and I just want to say if you EVER feel like you are alone and you want someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to email me at mummyinwaiting(at) as I am always here to listen and offer support to anyone who needs it. I have also had a few comments from people saying they feel like an intruder reading and commenting on my blog when they have never experienced infertility themselves. Don't feel like an intruder! I started this blog not only to help other women going down this path themselves to have something to read and relate to, but also to bring awareness to the cause and help people who aren't directly affected by it to put a face to it and gain better understanding and knowledge of this issue. Because it is a very personal struggle and also somewhat taboo in the general population, the fact you are reading is fantastic. There are no intruders on this blog! I appreciate every little ounce of support, every comment and every email more than you could know. So please keep reading, spread the word and thank you to all my followers, readers and lurkers alike.


  1. I know how you feel! Don't want to believe it might work (to protect yourself) but then kinda want to hope as well!
    If it helps, I felt like that in the week leading up to the blood test, and I'm now a few weeks pregnant and still getting that heavy AF-is-coming it's not necessarily bad :) Fingers crossed for you!

  2. This trying to be Positive girl is sending you Postive Vibes!
    You can get through this! It is worth it! Its want you want and its worth wanting! Its worth fighting for. We may never know why the struggle is there but we do know that we are strong enough to handle it.

  3. Hi just wanted to say loving your blog - thanks for being so honest! it is so hard to tell if treatment has worked. We have donor IUI and I am currently 8 weeks pregnant with our 2nd child. I was convinced it hadn't worked this time as was grumpy and clumsy just like before a period and also had spotting 4 days before period due which is how a normal cycle works for me so I was so surprised when the blood test was positive and didn't believe the nurse initially! hang in there its so hard no knowing. hang in there its hard to feel sane when you want something so much x

  4. sending you loads of positive vibes!!! Both times I was pg had the usual af feelings, especially the last time - I was 110% sure she was coming, I would have bet the house on it if some had asked me by how i was feeling - but no af came

  5. Positive vibes coming all the way across the globe to you!! Hang in there, you are so close! Do you think you'll test? Everything crossed, wouldn't be amazing if we both got BFPs?

  6. Positive vibes coming your way. I was like Renae and was certain AF was coming, heck i even scabbed a cigarette to smoke cause i was feeling really down in the dumps. But i was PG and now i have Callum. AF & PG symptoms are very much alike for alot of people. Hang in there.

  7. You can do it Haidee!!!

  8. Sending loads of prayers and positive vibes your way! When I got my bfp in March I was convinced that AF was coming. I even went out and stocked up on feminine supplies (of course I also bought hpts). Keeping my fingers crossed!

  9. Don't read too much into the feeling, as others have said, they've had this too and have been pg. Same for me, I was sure AF was coming, even after the BFP I felt like it was on the way for quite sometime. Hang in there, not long to go now!

  10. Its such a nerve racking time but you are nearly there now, hang in there, like others have said, PG and AF have very similar symptons, sending you loads of positive vibes!

  11. Good luck, I hope that it is the same for me and it annoys me that AF and PG are the same symptons, I hoep we both get BFP :)

  12. I am sending you positive vibes via ICLW and also want to let you know that I spent a week being upset because I had cramps and felt like AF was coming and then I got my positive, so it is possible, don't lose hope!

  13. Sending you positive vibes and looking forward to reading more of your blog; it's my first visit, courtesy of IComLeavWe.

  14. wishing you so much luck, I hate this part!!! Thank you so much for your kind comments on this post. Thinking of you.

  15. hang in there ((hugs))

    I know a few people who have said they had that heavy bloaty feeling and were pregnant!!

    How much longer to your beta??

  16. Many positive vibes to you!!!


  17. I am officially following you! I really liked the comment in this blog that there are no intruders and are all welcome. The more people that understand or try to learn more about infertility the better! Thanks!

  18. Sending positive vibes your way! As for me, I remember having back aches and a heaviness right before my beta after my IVF, and I was scared to death, but turns out I was pregnant! I know it is impossible, but try to not worry. Fingers crossed for you!

    ICLW #8

  19. Wishing you all the best and sending lots of positive vibes, thoughts and prayers from KY. Here's to getting a BFP!

  20. As everyone has said above- PG and AF symptoms can be very similar. And every one is differant. I felt tired, which could've been from the PIO shots. Believe it or not I did not have sore breast my whole Crazy I know but True!

    Hoping and Praying you get Good News!



  21. Hi
    I hope you find this helpful...
    I had IVF about August time and when it was getting closer to testing time I was so sure it hadn't worked. I felt excatly like I was getting my period. However, I was totally wrong and I'm now 12weeks pregnant!! :)

    Wishing you all the best!!! x x x

  22. thinking of you and sending the most positive vibes your way. hugs!
