Saturday, March 17, 2012


So, I have finally finished updating my new blog look but I decided to keep the title of my blog and just alter the tagline. In the end I decided I couldn't part with it!

So you are probably wondering if this means I am entering back into the blogging world. And the answer is a tentative yes. I will definitely make the effort to post more often (once a week springs to mind!) and try and keep you posted with what is new or exciting in my world of parenting and life.

Right now I will start with an update of how things are progressing in our lives ...

Cohen is now 8 and a half months old. He has just started to commando crawl and is a happy and chilled out wee chappy who sleeps through the night. He's cheeky and independant and hates to be restricted (ie. he still can't sit cos that would mean being still). He is on 3 solid meals a day, hates holding food so is spoonfed (he gets a disgusted look on his face if I attempt to 'heaven forbid!' give him a piece of meat to chew or a piece of pasta and spends the next few minutes determined to flick the offending item off his hand) so for now we are still doing purees. He can say mum (but only in amongst tears) and has 4 teeth.

As for me, I work 4 days a week from 8.30am - 4.30pm and I am back to drinking 5 coffees per day and well and truly back to having a full blown caffeine addiction. And I love it! I adore not having to worry that drinking coffee will be lowering my chances of conceiving, or for that matter a glass (or two) of wine! I am enjoying having my body back for the first time in over 3 years. I am enjoying not worrying about when I'm ovulating or if my period shows up (which it has been doing for months now but NO MORE CRAMPS! Hallelujah!) and not having to pop a million pills.

I have achieved my weight loss goal and new years resolution to return to pre-pregnancy weight (but would still like to lose the 5kg that fertility treatments unkindly gifted me with).

 I am wearing heels.

 I have had my hair dyed back to blonde.

And I have been shopping recently and spent $109 on a skirt. Yep, $109 on JUST a skirt.

Oh, and I turned 30 at the beginning of this month!

And I think that about sums it up! Looking forward to being back and thank you so much for your patience!


  1. Ooh love the new look!Made me laugh reading about Cohen not liking food on his hands hehe-so cute!Sounds like such a character! xxx

    1. He is totally a character! It's such an awesome age too, you have so much to look forward to!

  2. Love the new look! I am so happy for what you have achieved these last few years. I'm looking forward to reading your posts again as I've missed the honest and special way you write about your journey.

  3. I absolutely cannot wait until I am absolutely carefree of my cycle studying! I am soooooooo jealous! About time it was about you, a normal life!

    It's amazing how early their personalities shine. He sounds like a clean freak already! That can only work in your favour. B's favorite was spag Bol ALL over his face, body, hands, floor, walls, table, and even lighting..

    1. It was spag bol that I tried giving C a piece of fettucine from and he was disgusted that it was stuck to his hand and he couldn't shake it off! It was so funny. I'm a clean freak so that wouldn't be too much of a stretch! He eats with his hands at his sides and opens his mouth nicely for every mouthful, so tidy! Haha.

  4. Yay she's back!!

    Here's to blond hair and expensive treats for mum (go you)!

    No picture tho.....denied!

    1. Can't wait to buy more expensive treats! Wardrobe revamp is underway at last!

  5. Welcome Back! Love the new look and am looking forward to hearing what you're up to.

  6. I am loving this new reply feature! So much easier to interact with everyone than it used to be!

  7. it.

  8. Funny how different babies are- my little guy flat out refused to eat from a spoon for months (has just grudgingly started to allow it at 11 months) and insisted on being the one to hold and put the food in his mouth right from when we started solids which made things very tricky- just the opposite of Cohen!

    1. That is the total opposite of Cohen! He will hold his rusks but that's about it. Lazy maybe? Although, I must admit that I prefer spoonfeeding him at this stage because it's alot cleaner!

  9. I'm glad you're back! I followed your journey back in the "old days" and then we ended up being pregnant at the same time (I had my twins in June 2011 too). Looking forward to hearing how your journey goes from here! (I was thinking of your title... it's more like maybe baby AND the looney bin, huh? Non-stop fun with a little one around, heehee.) Congratulations and nice job on that $109 skirt! I need to go shopping! ;)

    1. Haha - yeah, probably is Maybe Baby ... (and maybe the loony bin?) now! They're starting to get to an age where it's pretty full on, must be so much worse with two little munchkins than just the one! Fun times! Your girls are adorable, I will be following!

    2. I'm so glad you "got" what I meant! After I hit reply, I thought oooh, maybe she'll take that the wrong way. Maybe I'M the only one going crazy (the best kind of crazy of course, but crazy nonetheless) with these little ones! ;) It is a really intensive, but really fun age right now, isn't it!? And thank you.... I think my girls are the most adorable handful around these parts for sure. :)
