Friday, December 17, 2010


I had my scan this morning and we have a very wriggly little bubba onboard! Bubs measured perfectly at 11w4d (so definately due 4th July 2011) and the initial tests for Downs Syndrome with the scan put us at very low risk but I still need to get the bloods to confirm. The skin fold was 0.9 and there was a very prominent nasal bone so the lady doing the scan said we are extremely low risk (PHEW!!) I am soooo relieved and amazed! The HG was just so giddy with excitement through the whole thing. The lady also kept commenting on how beautiful and perfect bubs looked. It took awhile to get all the measurements we needed as bubs wouldn't stay still and was waving and kicking around and doing somersaults. Heartbeat was recorded at 165bpm. I am so happy right now!

We are really having a baby! Wow! Maybe I can start to relax and get truly excited now! I have attached a couple of pics for you to see. Any guesses on the sex?


  1. Wow Haidee, bubs does look so perfect! That's so amazing. Congratulations!!! I'm 4wks behind you! I so can't wait to get to that point :)

  2. So happy for you Haidee! Yes you really are having a baby. Woo Hoo! Sounds like your baby was just as excited in seeing mum and dad as you were seeing "him". I'm still predicting a boy.
    P.S I'm starting to post more regularly now on my blog if you have the time to pop in.

  3. How great of a Christmas are you guys going to have (last one as a couple too)! Lol! Congrats on the wonderful news.

  4. Oh Haidee he/she looks perfect!! I cant believe you are almost in the second trimester!! Hows the ms? Congrats on the perfect baby, you must be so excited, have you pooped yet? Take care.

  5. HE is perfect...!! Ha ha! Haidee, gotta tell you something..


    Woo Hoo!

  6. Looking perfect, im going for a girl with that HB. YAYAYAYAYAY

  7. I am going for a girl at this stage they all look like boys on scan but going for a girl based on heart rate in the beggining I thought a boy now I think a girl ;)

  8. Yay, that is so great!!! Congratulations! Reaching this scan is such a big step so enjoy it!! Do YOU have any guesses on the sex?

  9. How amazing is that picture. Congratulations!

  10. So cool seeing the scan pics hon, must have been amazing to see bubs moving around!And yes,whoot whoot you're having a baby! <3

  11. Thanks everyone! We thought it was pretty cool ourselves and got a DVD of the whole scan so can rewatch it whenever we want :-) I think boy and have from the beginning but everyone is saying with a heartbeat like that then it's probably a girl. Not long until we find out now! Only about 8 weeks! Woohoo!

  12. What a perfect baby pic! He/she is beautiful! Congrats on a perfect scan! :)

  13. Fantastic.... relax and enjoy your pregnancy and Christmas, before you know it, you will be chasing a little one!! congrats!!
