First of all, thank you so much for all your responses to my last post. It made me feel heaps better to read all the supportive words and also to know that I am not alone. I am currently at home sick with one hell of a cold which I caught off a workmate on Friday. He was supposed to go home but then we got crazy busy and then last night I started sneezing and my nose started running and I thought 'Uh oh'. A sleepless night to follow and today I feel pretty bloody miserable if I'm honest, but just made myself some chicken soup and drinking my lemon and honey drinks and hoping I can kick its ass before it gets too bad. I gave my midwife a call to ask her what I am allowed to take for a cold while pregnant and after discussing it she asked me how I was getting on in general, to which I told her the truth - that I was feeling a bit anxious about things. So she said she would pop round this afternoon to see me and we could listen to the heartbeat and have a chat. I love my midwife, she is such a caring and lovely woman and I know chatting with her about how I'm feeling and hearing bubs heartbeat will make me feel so much better. In fact, I was so relieved when she said she was going to come around and see me that as soon as I hung up the phone I promptly burst into tears. Hormones getting the better of me I think!
I also think I now know why these worries have started creeping in. We are finding out the sex at our 20 week scan in less than two weeks which is making it feel more real and I think I am only just now starting to really believe we are going to be having a baby. I think I still felt somewhat in shock that I was pregnant and now closing in on the half way mark I am having the sudden realisation that in 5 months time it is going to be ME giving birth and ME holding MY baby and becoming a mummy at long last. Given the way I have been feeling, I think it is even more the right decision for us to find out the sex as it might be just what I need to really believe it. I know this may sound crazy to some of you, but that's how I'm feeling. We had a breakthrough through when the HG and I went out to the baby shop on Sunday and put a pram on layby!! I had been adament I didn't want to spend too much but in the end I opted for a Mountain Buggy Swift which is a bit in the higher price range but not over the top. I pushed it and fell in love with how it steered! Haha. So we now have one big baby item in the process of being paid off. Next is the cot.
Will let you know how the MW appointment goes this afternoon!
Oh, and for those of you interested or new readers who don't know my full story, my success story has been featured on Krissi's blog 'Stress Free Infertility' which you can read by clicking here.
EDITED TO ADD: I just had my visit from my MW who gave me a huge hug and told me she is happy to pop round anytime. Bubs was moving around heaps which was making the heartbeat quite hard to hear but everything is definately all fine. My bump is measuring exactly 18 weeks (which is what I am today) so all in all my worrying was for nothing. As predicted. And wouldn't you know it - 20 minutes after she left I started getting booted by the baby again. Always the way! Right, off to drink my next lemon and honey drink and take a nap.
EDITED TO ADD: I just had my visit from my MW who gave me a huge hug and told me she is happy to pop round anytime. Bubs was moving around heaps which was making the heartbeat quite hard to hear but everything is definately all fine. My bump is measuring exactly 18 weeks (which is what I am today) so all in all my worrying was for nothing. As predicted. And wouldn't you know it - 20 minutes after she left I started getting booted by the baby again. Always the way! Right, off to drink my next lemon and honey drink and take a nap.