Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Sorry I have been missing for so long, this mummy business is very time consuming! I love it though! As the blog title states, Cohen is one month old today and despite my fears of not knowing what to do with a baby we seem to have survived our first month together in one piece. It is all still a learning experience for the two of us though, sometimes I seem to get it right and other times I'll be awake for hours in the middle of the night wondering where I've gone wrong or what I'm supposed to be doing with this screaming baby! Luckily these nights seem to be few and far between and generally he's a pretty content little man and a great sleeper (once asleep!). I do wonder if I am making some trouble for myself though as at a month old I am still allowing him to fall asleep in my arms (generally he'll fall asleep towards the end of a bottle or just after) and not putting him to bed to self settle himself. Is this going to cause me problems later or is he still too young at this point for it to become a problem? Otherwise we are just learning as we go and sometimes that means crying together! 


  1. No, no and no!! Allowing him to settle in your arms is the most natural thing for you to do and it is what Cohen will be expecting! He has the rest of his life to sleep on his own. Enjoy the cuddles!! Check out Sausage Mama and the Sausagettes on Facebook if you need reassuring that cuddling him to sleep won't cause 'problems'. It is a GREAT page with excellent advice and gentle, caring, mothers :)

  2. Congratulations on making it through the first month! Try not to worry too much, easier said than done I know. I don't think it matters at this early stage to let him fall asleep in your arms. My motto is "whatever works", it's too hard to try to make these little ones do things the way we think they should be done. Once he's a bit older and doesn't fall asleep everytime he feeds, is when you could maybe start trying to put him down awake and helping him learn to settle himself. I used to worry about the same thing, and I also used a swing during the hour or two of early evening when I just couldn't get my boy (now 17 months) to settle and I used to worry so much that he wouldn't be able to sleep unless he was in the swing. It didn't happen though, and he's been a great sleeper, settling himself, since about 3 months (I think that's when it was anyway - he wasn't very old). Of course, then the cat napping during the day started and so I worried about that, but it settled down over time too and now he's down to one sleep a day and it's a good 3 hrs most days. I think the only certainty in being a mum is that you will worry about everything and then in a few months you'll look back and wonder why, although you'll have something new to worry about by then. I read somewhere that babies just live in the present and so that's what we have to try to do as well. Sounds like you're doing a wonderful job and are a very loving mum, no wonder he's so content.

  3. Happy one month Cohen! Beautiful pic. I think I let C sleep in my arms till he was 6 months old - on and off. It made life so much easier, however he did wake often after putting him in his bed as he realised he wasn't in mummy's arms anymore. It was a trying time afterwards to get him in the habit of sleeping alone but now he is an awesome sleeper in his own cot.

  4. so cute so cute so cute!!!! love you cohen :)

  5. Awww how cute is he!!! All sounds very normal to me and like PP said, do whatever works for you and your baby. Personally I don't think you can "spoil" a newborn so don't hold back - give him all the cuddles, rocks & pats he needs. Each to their own, but for me I started to teach my son to self settle at around 5 months old (there are various strategies & various views on this but that's another topic for another day).
    Keep up the good work, you and your HG are doing an amazing job!!

  6. Happy one month birthday Cohen! he is adorable! I totally agree with Athena. Cuddle, and take in as much of this time as possible.

  7. Some days I still let Jameson sleep in my arms... and he's 1! Take all the cuddles when you can.
    I'm a firm believer in do what works for you and yours, no-one else is living your life.
    Congratulations in making it to 1 months!

  8. Happy 1 month Brthday Cohen! Well done Haidee, you have made it through your first month and have done a wonderful job xxx

  9. I still let my 3 month old sleep in my arms and nurse him to sleep more than half the time and I am quite happy to keep doing it! I know if I have a second baby in the future I won't be able to do it as much so I'm making the most of being able to now- I don't believe it "spoils" them at all.

    They are still just very little and as others have said it is the most natural thing for them to be close to their mummy when they sleep. Don't worry about it and do what feels right to you.

  10. Congratulation on his 1 month birthday. Now in regards to his picture. His eyes are old, I think he has been here before. Just something about him!

  11. cuddle him all you and he want. Stella slept only touching me for months and months.. and... well months.. but now gets herself in bed and off to sleep with zero issues...

  12. Happy 1 Month MOTHERHOOD day Haidee!! Look how good you are at this! I can see him yelling 'Get me some milk, put the Wiggles on'!

    I took Bodhi to a sleep school at 5wks an it was more a sleep school for me. He slept 12hrs a night from 5wks. BUT I have since become wiser and learnt that babies are babies for such a short time, and you never know what the hell life throws at us, so bloody do what the hell you want!! You suffered IF, you deserve to steal every cuddle you can from him. Cohen will be running around before you know it, so please hug him, stare at him and smell him....

    But if you want to know what magic I learnt at Whispers, chat on email..xx

  13. Happy one month Cohen!And happy one month of being a mummy Haids!He's such a beautiful boy-you're doing an amazing job:) xxx

  14. Happy 1 month birthday Cohen yahhh....he is a beautiful boy and yes I agree with Tee sometimes no matter what we read not all babies are textbook babies and at such a young age we need to go with the flow...but at same time you need your rest too for your sanity so do whats best for both of you
